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We are glad you chose the Sherrard Community Unit School District #200 (SCUSD) for your family.
Whether you are new to SCUSD, registering your student for the first time in preschool or kindergarten, or are the parent of a returning K-12 student, please refer to the links to the left for additional information.All SCUSD students will register online each year through Infinite Campus. If you do not have a computer or internet access, you are invited to use a computer at one of the schools. Please phone one of the offices to make an appointment.
New Student Registration Returning Student Registration
If you move during the school year and have not updated SCUSD with your new address, you must provide documentation to establish proof of residency. The name and address on the documents provided must match the name and address of the parent or legal guardian of the student(s) being registered.
Online Registration
ONLINE REGISTRATION will allow you to begin your application and return to it as often as you wish before officially submitting it for approval. Once you submit for approval it will be locked. The school will contact you and unlock the application if any additional information is required. Many questions within the student application are required and are noted with a red asterisk *.
** If you reach the screen that gives you an application number and you click 'Confirm' button but a new window does not appear, it is a pop up issue within your browser settings.
* Please make sure your browser pop-up blocker is turned off (disabled) and Allow pop-up turned on (enabled). See the link below for help.
* Smartphones and Chromebooks are not supported devices.
*** Help turning pop-up blocker off Click Here! -- We have found this to be the NUMBER ONE issue for families!