Social Studies Electives

    This course will be a survey of Population, Cultural, Political and Economic Geography.  Topics will include population growth and distribution; cultural components and system and diversity; and political and economic systems.

    This course will provide students with an overview of economics with primary emphasis on the principles of microeconomics and the U.S. economic system.  This course may also cover topics such as international economics and comparative economics.

    Sociology deals with the social problems we face as a society and possible solutions that could be utilized to solve them.  The majority of the course deals with the American Society. However, some world cultures are discussed. Some of the following topics may be discussed:  what is sociology and how can it be applied, dating problems of adolescents, adolescence, phobias, cultural universals, norms, folkways, mores, rape, sports violence, how to improve esteem, and other related topics.  During the second semester the following topics may be discussed: marriage and the family, birth rates, divorce, population trends, death, child abuse, dropout problems, the problems of aging, juvenile crime, crime prevention, shoplifting, prisons, changing roles of women and men, poverty, race problems, prejudice and discrimination, minorities in American life, the defense mechanisms people use, city problems, social mobility and other related topics.

    Humanities integrates the study of art, music, literature, history and religion around philosophical questions and positions.  Designed to encourage intellectual growth and analytical thinking, numerous projects are assigned that incorporate the use of technology.