Sherrard High's Blood Drive: Honoring A Hero, Saving Lives

Blood Drive
The All School Senate BJ Luxmore Memorial Blood Drive was well-attended,
bringing in 59 quarts, equal to saving 177 lives. .



Every year All-School Senate members organize a blood drive, through Impact Life, in memory of CPL Bryant J. (B.J.) Luxmore, a 2005 Sherrard graduate killed in action in Afghanistan June 10, 2012. 

This year's drive, held yesterday, brought in 59 units, according to early figures - an increase of 20 units over last year's donations. That total equates to 177 lives saved. 

Sponsor and special education teacher Vanessa Schulenberg said,

"We do the drive to keep BJ's memory alive at Sherrard High School, and what better way than to provide a life saving, vital resource.


Shillinger Family Members
Matherville Principal Jeff Shillinger and daughter Kennedy
gave blood for a good cause together.

I know the students enjoy doing the drive every year. It’s a good way to bridge community and school. This year was a little more special, as BJ’s son is a freshman this year. I feel like students feel more connected to the drive because of that.”


Nurse Sanya Boucher
School Nurse Sanya Boucher was among several staff that gave
during the drive.

